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A pile of misfit socks on the laundry room floor was all the inspiration one New England family needed to open the doors of Misfit University, the only online university of its kind to take a unique stand against bullying and encourage young people to celebrate what makes them different.


Founded in 2012, this resource creatively introduces a hands-on educational curriculum that includes an anti-bullying initiative, service-learning projects, cause-related events and spirited fun with the goal of delivering unmatched results in the practice of team-building, positive self-esteem, creativity, and respect. Misfit University is free and new curriculum projects are added monthly.





Misfit University was founded on the principle that we are all magnificent MISFITS and the very talents and experiences that can sometimes divide us, should define us and be nurtured and shared,” said Misfit University founder Karen Kiefer. The University focuses its curriculum in four areas: Hope, Inspiration, Love and Gratitude and uses creative concepts to communicate important messages to young people. “It is very common for young people to hide their talents or handicaps for fear of not being accepted,” added Kiefer.

Misfit University uses misfit socks as a creative muse to teach hope, inspiration, respect, and gratitude. Inspired by the children's storybook and Christmas tradition, "The Misfit Sock," the University also sponsors The Million Misfit Sock (virtual) March in October for anti-bullying month and Misfit MARCH Madness in March for "Celebrate What Makes You Different" month. For more information on this global initiative, please email us at:

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