Second Annual Misfit Sock Challenge Empowers Employees to
Take a Stand Against Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace
with Mismatched Socks
BOSTON: Grab the perfect pair of misfit (mismatched) socks on Thursday, February 1, 2018 and join in the Misfit Sock Challenge. This grassroots empowerment movement encourages employees to wear mismatched socks to work, to take a stand against harassment and bullying in the workplace. The Challenge is sponsored by Misfit University, an online resource that uses mismatched socks as a muse for kindness and to take a stand against bullying. Misfit (mismatched) socks represent those that are marginalized in the workplace for whatever the reason. The mission of the Challenge is for individuals to make a bold statement with their socks that becomes a catalyst for conversation about this quiet workplace epidemic and help change a company culture for the better.
Anyone can participate in the Misfit Sock Challenge, from anywhere. Individuals can take a quiet stand or they can engage colleagues or their entire office. “ Last year was the first year we intentionally launched a sock campaign around the epidemic of workplace harassment and bullying, said Karen Kiefer, founder of Misfit University. “For the past seven years, our focus has been bullying in schools.” Misfit University sponsors a Million Misfit Sock (Virtual) March each October to celebrate differences and take a stand against bullying. Last year, close to a million people participated around the world.
The #MeToo Movement has shined a light on workplace harassment, reminding individuals that this is not just an issue that is limited to Hollywood. The Workplace Bullying Institute in June of 2017, released some statistics on the prevalence of “abusive conduct” in the American workplace. 19 % of adult Americans have experienced abuse; 37 % have been affected by it; 63% of Americans are aware that workplace bullying occurs.
There is no fee to participate in the Misfit Sock Challenge nor does the Challenge raise money for a cause. It is an authentic empowerment movement, designed to raise awareness, build community, inspire confidence, take a stand against harassment and bullying. Participants can use the hashtag #misfitchallenge for all social media posts.
themisfitsock(at)gmail(dot)com or call 774-286-9987 or find on or